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Why I love the wholly Catholics   I'm  not a catholic. Am just an onlooker, an eavesdropper.It is by accident that some inform...

Saturday 16 September 2017

Why I love the wholly Catholics 
I'm  not a catholic. Am just an onlooker, an eavesdropper.It is by accident that some information  came to me.I wasn't  looking for it.My precious people, I always want you never to find it difficult dealing with me.I dong want to be a stumbling block  to the progress, and desire that whoever find me to be so, let him give me a stepping stone  so that I can correct my errors.I respect religion.whatever religion.Religion have by far evolved and my precious people I want you to understand that any particular religion is a combination of several traits of earlier  religions. I will not  go into that, but with an honest urge require you to devote your person to history. Don't let ignorance and stupidity maintain you to one religion  and with your whole mighty defend it as though  it were God. READ. Read history.
Catholic have various meaning which of course am not going to pursue. My epicenter  of discourse is on catholic 'church' to be precise.Am not an author of confusion  and am not an enemy of faith.Believe whatever you want, but let your conscious be  your witness. I always don't advocate rigidity of thoughts  and with similar application to faith.Even if you believe you cant, try to be flexible, don't forever hold on same idea as though  its the only genuine and valid of its kind.
Catholic I have reasons why I love you.I would have told you otherwise but it has became so common,so in a different style I want to say that.I have never been a catholic,and I told you earlier that am just an on looker or and an eavesdropper., and I further called upon anyone to offer me a stepping stone to  correct my errors if at all there  are errors  in my discourse and again I caution you on the manner of disputing over this issue, I don't take bitter and harsh disputations, also even if I know I may  be a fool I don't want you to keep on reminding me.I love catholic because  of its rigid believes for many years.The catholic at one time became the author of a variety of believes beside those authored by the bible.Some of the believes by the Catholics are erroneous and anyone with sound mind will not accommodate them.The Catholics  developed a carnal culture and insisted on taking them as authority from God.They also erected offices which with clever ploy made it to assume high dignity and authority making  people to exalt it as the real office of God.That the Catholic Father acted as a link between people and God, and to him went men and women to confess their sins!If this same people preach using the bible, under which authority are they allowing  this to happen? Even they go far to teach that one should pray through Mary (calling her holy Mary) the Mother of Jesus.The bible clearly showed us how Jesus detested the calling of any man on earth "Father ". Assuming  this verse was not altered as  it has been done to many verses, then it is very wrong to allow people to go against  the word of God.My person tells me that this is like worshipping the Catholic Father.This is my opinion.
I once attended a Catholic Church.I was surprised  the way they carried  out their services.They have an outline of events.Events that keep on repeating every another Sunday, that I believe you can cram it and at some  time take your body to  church and leave your mind at home.Even prayers are regulated.Its well  written  as a poem.Catholic is one of the entities  that have by far controlled a large number of people.It has tamed so many people's  minds.People don't want to think.I think the Catholic  Church  is carnal  and not spiritual.Maybe  in its defense you will say that's not important, but I want you to know that heaven is inhabited  with spirits therefore if your desire is to go to heaven, then you must be spiritual.But the Catholic don't want you to know that.
I love the Catholic  because it is of cause the most intelligent  entity that has for along time succeeded in lying to people.
Catholic is as  big as the world,  I can not write  everything about it.Believing  I have expressed my reason why I love  the Catholic, I want to sum up by saying that it is very  sad that generation  after generation  can be served with the same lie. When will you wake up. If you are wondering  which religion or church is good, I will tell you that you will at the end get non.Do I mean there is no good church or religion? Definitely  no.There is a religion and  a church  that is so precious.Let us catch up in the next article as I write about The Real Church and The Perfect Religion.Or you can join THE A BILLION PLUS LEGIT DEALS AND IDEAS and enroll in an online course -PHILOMYSTERYOLOGY SCIENCE to learn more. 
Thank you for your time and I welcome any disputation and  debate with aim of learning and corrections. Love  you all.
I want you to note that people have different  personalities,these personalities are what extensively  render different judgment  offered by each individual on a single matter.Am not a hundred percent sure if anyone will accept this information, and even,I won't  take  it  if  it happen that people are loving these beyond my possible expectations, honestly I will dismiss  that as common lie, I know at most people are beguilers.This not a course, not at anytime. These is a personal verdict, though not self assertion. Am not in anyway superior  to anyone. In fact am a servant to everyone on this  universe.In case one finds this article un ethical, misleading or tosh, first I would like to say that I acknowledge  such persons and with due respect call upon their opinion  on the same subject and secondly I must  say that I expect and I'm  more  prepared for debate.Debate to me is a tool of learning.What I should otherwise caution is  the use of obscene, obnoxious, odious, hateful and abusive language while defending  or reacting on or against any opinion and don't argue out with a mind to ebb me back to the drawing board of my study. That's to me a display of stupidity, and I don't like it.I may be aware that am stupid but don't  remind me that I am.
(i stand to be corrected, for am to learn.)

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